PHFPotomac Horse Fever (febrile illness)
PHFPublic Health Foundation
PHFPersonalized Heel Fit (shoes)
PHFPakistan Hockey Federation
PHFPotentially Hazardous Food
PHFPaired Helical Filaments
PHFPaul Harris Fellow
PHFPublic Health Facility
PHFPersonal History Form (various organizations)
PHFPsychiatric Health Facility
PHFPeak Hour Factor (highway capacity, civil engineering)
PHFPersonal Hygiene Facility
PHFPresbyterian Health Foundation (Oklahoma City, OK)
PHFParathyroid Hypertensive Factor
PHFPayload Handling Fixture (US NASA)
PHFPerfect Hair Forever (TV show)
PHFPersonal Hands Free
PHFPostal History Foundation (Tucson, AZ)
PHFPerfect Hash Family
PHFPakistan Heart Foundation
PHFPeak Hourly Flow
PHFPortable Hypertext Format
PHFProject History File
PHFPreguntas Hechas Frecuentemente (Spanish)
PHFPinoy Horse Fanatics (Philippines)
PHFPesticide, Herbicide and Fertilizer
PHFPaired Helical Fragments
PHFPut Him First (record label)
PHFPoptropica Help Forum (kids' website)
PHFProbability of Inter-Cell Handover Failure
PHFProcurement History File (Claims)
PHFPunch Haole Face (punk band, Hawaii)
PHFProhormoneforum (web forum)
PHFNewport News/Williamsburg/Hampton, VA, USA - Patrick Henry International (Airport Code)
PHFPrecultured Heart Fragment