Acronym | Definition |
PMD | Polarization Mode Dispersion |
PMD | Palmdale (Amtrak station code; Palmdale, CA) |
PMD | Paramedic |
PMD | Project Management in Development (certification) |
PMD | Preferred Marketing Developer (social media) |
PMD | Physical Medium Dependent |
PMD | Parrish Making Dollars (rap artist) |
PMD | Pokémon Mystery Dungeon |
PMD | Product Model Data |
PMD | Partner Marketing Day |
PMD | Passive Matrix Display |
PMD | Power Management Display |
PMD | Power Management and Debug |
PMD | Portable Mini Disc |
PMD | Power Mobility Device |
PMD | Portable Media Device |
PMD | Performance Metrics Domain |
PMD | Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease |
PMD | Post Mint Damage (coins) |
PMD | Physical Layer, Medium Dependent |
PMD | Post Musical Depression (theater) |
PMD | Pale Morning Dun (Fly Fishing) |
PMD | Psychotic Major Depression |
PMD | Power Mobility Device (disability aid) |
PMD | Possible Military Dimension (Iran nuclear program) |
PMD | Portfolio Management Data |
PMD | Pakistan Meteorological Department |
PMD | PM Dawn (band) |
PMD | Pays Moins Developpes (French: Less Developed Countries) |
PMD | Program Management Directive |
PMD | Preventive Medicine Department (various organizations) |
PMD | Partial Match Domain (search engine optimization) |
PMD | Protein Mutant Database |
PMD | Promoted to Main Draw (badminton) |
PMD | People Making a Difference (Boston, MA) |
PMD | Pontiac Motor Division |
PMD | Pre-Metal Dielectric |
PMD | Purple Monkey Dishwasher (gaming) |
PMD | Private Medical Doctor |
PMD | Primary Medical Doctor |
PMD | Program Management Division |
PMD | Portable Mission Display (US Air Force) |
PMD | Predictive Multiple Description (video coding) |
PMD | Personal Media Device |
PMD | Preventive Maintenance Daily |
PMD | Potomac, Maryland |
PMD | Palmdale, CA, USA - Air Force 42 (Airport Code) |
PMD | Propellant Management Devices |
PMD | Polymeric Membrane Dressing (wound management) |
PMD | Plastiek, Metaal en Drankkartons (Dutch: plastic, metal and beverage boxes) |
PMD | Portable Maintenance Device |
PMD | Preferred Medical Doctor |
PMD | Post Mortem Dump |
PMD | Phi Mu Delta (fraternity) |
PMD | Probability of Missed Detection |
PMD | Program Management Document(ation) |
PMD | PostMaster Daemon |
PMD | Project Medical Director (EMS) |
PMD | Projectile/Mortar Disassembly |
PMD | Power Management Device (semiconductors) |
PMD | Post Micturition Dribble (urology) |
PMD | Pulmonary agenesis, Microphthalmia, and Diaphragmatic defect |
PMD | Professional Masters Degree |
PMD | Periodic Mesophorous Dendrisillicus |
PMD | Projected Map Display |
PMD | Physical Memory Dump |
PMD | Poly-Metal Dielectric |
PMD | Perfect Mendelsohn Design |
PMD | Parrish - Microphone Doctor (rap artist) |
PMD | Performance Management Document |
PMD | Pre-Metal Deposition |
PMD | Pretty Mary Dies (band) |
PMD | Propulsion Management Device |
PMD | Pneumatic Mortar Device |
PMD | Public Management Department |
PMD | Phase Modulation-Demodulation |
PMD | Adobe PageMaker 7.0 document (file extension) |
PMD | Partially-Matched Detector |
PMD | Private Messaging Domain |
PMD | Pre-Menstrual Dysphoria |
PMD | Provisional Marketing Director |
PMD | Prescribed Minimum Distance |
PMD | Puissance Maximale Disponible (French: Maximum Power Available) |
PMD | Program Module Dictionary |