Acronym | Definition |
BEE | Black Economic Empowerment (affirmative action initiative of the South African government) |
BEE | Bureau of Energy Efficiency (India) |
BEE | Brett Easton Ellis (author) |
BEE | Building Energy Efficiency (real estate standard; various locations) |
BEE | Bachelor of Electrical Engineering |
BEE | Basic Electricity and Electronics |
BEE | Black Earth Ensemble (est. 1998; Nicole Mitchell) |
BEE | Basal Energy Expenditure |
BEE | Ballistic Electron Emission |
BEE | British Empire Exhibition (1924-1925; UK) |
BEE | Business Enterprise Education |
BEE | Babson Executive Education (Babson Park, MA) |
BEE | Building Energy and Environments (civil engineering: University of Texas) |
BEE | Black Economic Empowerment Group (South Africa) |
BEE | Berkeley Emulation Engine (Berkeley Wireless Research Center; Unversity of California, Berkeley) |
BEE | Bureau Européen de l'Environnement (French: European Environmental Bureau; environmental advocacy coalition; est. 1974) |
BEE | Bonne Ecole Elementary (Slidell, LA) |
BEE | Business Efficiency Exhibition |
BEE | Biomass Energy Europe (EU) |
BEE | Biodiversité, Ecologie, Evolution (French: Biodiversity, Ecology, Evolution) |
BEE | Biometric Experimentation Environment |
BEE | Biomedical Engineering Education |
BEE | Business Environment Europe |
BEE | Babson Entrepreneurial Exchange |
BEE | Bureau des Etudiants d'Echange (French: Office of Student Exchange) |
BEE | Bio-Environmental Engineer |
BEE | Biotechnologie et Economie de l'Entreprise (French: Biotechnology and Economics of Enterprise; Paris Diderot University; France) |
BEE | Bachelor of Ecology and Environmental Science |
BEE | Best Emulsifying Equipment (International Ltd) |
BEE | Bundesverband Erneuerbare Energie eV (Germany: federal association of renewable energy) |
BEE | Band Edge Energy |
BEE | Blogging Environment for Eearning |
BEE | Bearing Error Eliminator |
BEE | Behavioural Evidence Evaluation |