PCPersonal Computer (generic term)
PCProfessional Corporation (business legal entity)
PCPolitically Correct
PCPost Cibum (Latin: After Meals)
PCPersonal Computer (IBM commercial desktop model)
PCProfessional Computer
PCPost Card
PCPower Control
PCProgram Control
PCPersonal Care
PCProgram Code
PCPocket Computer
PCProcess Control
PCPlayer Character
PCPhone Call
PCPortable Computer
PCProgram Counter
PCPretty Cool
PCPaper Clip
PCPhoenix College (Arizona)
PCProcessor Cache
PCPolice Car (or Cruiser)
PCPress Conference
PCPrivate Chat (IRC)
PCPersonal Contact
PCPresident's Choice (Canadian food brand)
PCPower Converter
PCPrinted Circuit
PCPatch Cord
PCPhase Change (chalcogenide material used in re-writable CD-RW and DVD+RW)
PCPrices Current
PCProfessional Component (physician billing)
PCParadise City (Guns N' Roses song)
PCPlayer Controlled (gaming)
PCPrimary Care
PCPlanning Commission
PCPostal Code
PCProvidence College
PCProduction Control
PCPort Charles (fictional town)
PCPussy Cat
PCPanama City (Florida)
PCPiece of Crap
PCPeace Corps
PCProtection Class (insurance)
PCPony Club
PCPurchase Card
PCProject Code
PCPokemon Center
PCProcess Controller
PCPolicia Civil (Portuguese: Civil Police; Brazil)
PCPowder Coating
PCPoint Code (ANSI)
PCPort Charlotte (Florida)
PCPocket Calculator
PCParish Council (England)
PCPresbyterian Church
PCPhysical Contact
PCPrincipal Component
PCPanama Canal
PCPiano Concerto
PCPlanning Council
PCPerspective Control (photography)
PCPublic Citizen
PCPresidents Choice
PCParacetamol (drug)
PCProstate Cancer
PCProject Coordinator
PCProductivity Commission
PCPersonal Copy
PCPassenger Car (law enforcement)
PCPersonal Code
PCPresbyterian College
PCPrince Caspian
PCProtective Clothing (radioactive contamination and fire fighters)
PCPrince Charming (dating slang)
PCPitcairn Islands
PCProgram Coordinator
PCPraça (Portuguese: square; postal usage)
PCProgrammable Controller
PCPierre Cardin
PCPortion Control
PCPositive Control
PCPiacenza (Italy)
PCProject Control
PCPrevious Channel
PCProcess Computer
PCProbable Cause
PCPatrol Craft
PCPort Chester
PCProduction Coordinator
PCPilot in Command
PCPer Capita
PCPenn Central (railroad company)
PCCommunist Party (Chile)
PCPhone Centre
PCProtein C
PCPacific Crest (Drum and Bugle Corps; Diamond Bar, CA)
PCPrayer Corner
PCPanasonic Corporation (Japan)
PCPalliative Care (care of terminally ill)
PCParsec (astronomical unit of distance)
PCPediatric Cardiology (various locations)
PCPetty Cash
PCPartial Conversion (games)
PCPepsi Cola
PCParti Communiste (French Communist Party)
PCPancreatic Cancer
PCPeripheral Controller
PCPhase Control
PCPlatform Controller
PCPen Color (Hyper Logo command)
PCPollo Campero (restaurant chain)
PCPrincipal Consultant
PCProcess Capability
PCPolice Constable (UK)
PCPrivy Council
PCPossible Change
PCPlanned Community
PCPhysikalische Chemie (German: Physical Chemistry)
PCPatrol Coastal (ship, designation for the US Navy's Cyclone Class Ship)
PCPhotograph Collection
PCPrice Chopper
PCPasay City (Philippines)
PCPaulo Cesar
PCPrime Contractor
PCProject Charter
PCProcurement Clerk
PCPrecast Concrete
PCPrediction Center (various locations)
PCProfit Confidential (publication; Lombardi Financial)
PCPressure Chamber
PCLa Presse Canadienne (Canadian Press News Service)
PCProgramme Committee (various organizations)
PCPurchase Contract
PCPersonnel Carrier
PCPoet's Corner
PCPrestressed Concrete
PCProcite (personal bibliographic software discussion list)
PCPort Coquitlam (British Columbia, Canada)
PCPreferred Carrier
PCProbability of Crossover (genetic algorithms)
PCPath Control
PCProtective Custody
PCPolitical Committee
PCCoastal Patrol (Ship, US Navy)
PCPunched Card
PCPlasma Cell (biology)
PCPeople's Court
PCProtocol Control (ATMF)
PCPlaid Cymru (Welsh Nationalist Party)
PCProximate Cause
PCPost Color
PCPassport Control (checkpoints in the EcoChallenge race)
PCPressure Controller
PCPipeline Crossing
PCPierce College (Lakewood, Washington)
PCPulverized Coal
PCParty Chief
PCPhotonic Crystals
PCPartner Communications (Iowa)
PCPrivate Contractor
PCProcurement and Construction
PCPolyester Canvas
PCPhysical Conditioning
PCPost Coital
PCPhrozen Crew (former software cracking group)
PCPacket Classifier
PCPentagon City (community in Arlington, VA)
PCProgress Check
PCPopulation Council
PCPublic Convenience (UK)
PCPrime Contract
PCPubococcygeus muscle
PCProcess Code
PCPicture Comment (MySpace)
PCPlatoon Commander
PCPetroleum Coke
PCPartial Color (publishing)
PCPeripheral Control
PCPriority Control (ATMF)
PCPersonal Chat
PCPrivatisation Commission (Pakistan government)
PCPsi Chi (National Honor Society in Psychology)
PCPsychiatrisch Centrum (Dutch)
PCProfit Centre
PCPlastic Conduit
PCPyruvate Carboxylase
PCPredicate Calculus (logic)
PCPotential Carcinogen
PCPartial Correlation
PCPointe Coupee (Louisiana)
PCPreclear (Scientology)
PCPareto Chart
PCProgressive Conservative Party of Canada
PCPosition Classification
PCPost Commander
PCPeople's Committee
PCPulse Compression
PCPolymer Concrete
PCPlanetary Camera
PCPrerequisite Course
PCPaïsos Catalans (Catalan Lands)
PCParticipation Certificate (mortgage industry)
PCPenalty Corner (field hockey)
PCPearl Continental (hotel chain in Pakistan)
PCPlaying Condition (musical instruments)
PCProduction Certificate
PCProgressive Communist (politics)
PCPrimary Center (ITU-T)
PCPaired Comparison
PCProduction Controller
PCPurple Car (blog)
PCPeace College (Raleigh, NC, USA)
PCPrivileged Character
PCPaper Change
PCProprotein Convertase
PCPeer Counselor
PCProgressive Coalition (Political Party, Burlington, Vermont)
PCPotterCast (Harry Potter podcast)
PCPrincipia College
PCPeaches & Cream
PCPledge Class (collegiate greek life)
PCPlane Change
PCPatrol Cap (hat)
PCPlaneta Celular (Cell Phone Planet)
PCPrivileges Committee (parliament)
PCPencil Crayon
PCPortable Chassis
PCProhormone Convertase (enzyme)
PCProvincial Commissioner (various countries)
PCPrevention Coordinator
PCPokécommunity (Pokemon forums)
PCPort Complex
PCPortlet Container
PCPacific Comics (comic book publisher)
PCPower Carrier
PCProducciones Cinematográficas
PCPresidential Classroom
PCPhilippine Constabulary
PCPractical Completion (property development)
PCPachyonychia Congenita
PCPacific Commission (formerly South Pacific Commission)
PCPilot Chute
PCPrivacy Council
PCPokemon Colloseum (video game)
PCPulsating Current
PCProbability of Collision
PCPierson College
PCProducers Conference
PCPerformance Commitment (Defense Contract Management Agency)
PCParti Progressiste-Conservateur du Canada
PCPersonnel Code
PCPrincipals Committee
PCDisney's Pop Century Resort
PCPayload Commander (NASA)
PCPetroleum Carrier
PCPrism-Convex (lantern lens type)
PCPrior Certification
PCProtoss Carrier (Starcraft)
PCPersonal Carer
PCProcess Cluster
PCPeg Count
PCPartial Cumulation (exports)
PCParamyotonia Congenita
PCPulse Command
PCPoint of Curvature
PCProbationary Constable (UK)
PCPacific Coast Railroad
PCProntor-Compur (photography)
PCPeace Commissioner
PCPasteurized Cheese
PCProduction Contractor
PCPickering College (Newmarket, Ontario, Canada)
PCPilotage Chart
PCProcess Containment
PCPrisoner in Custody
PCPartido Conservador de Nicaragua (National Conservative Party, Nicaragua)
PCPhilco Corporation
PCProbabilistic Computing
PCPara-Commander (type of parachute)
PCPump, Condensate
PCProvisional Cost
PCPeripheral Curve (contact lens fitting term)
PCPelvic Contractions
PCPropagation Criterion
PCPaludal Caverns (Everquest game)
PCAir Fiji Ltd (IATA airline code)
PCPrifysgol Caerdydd (Welsh: Cardiff University)
PCProtocol Council
PCPrimary Conveyor
PCPortal Connector
PCPlanned Commitment
PCPatin-Couffin Access Layer
PCPackage Coordinator
PCPro Centum
PCPhleg Camp (band)
PCPyrates Confraternity (student association; est. 1952)
PCPhysical Contradiction
PCPenalties Committed (soccer)
PCPrimary Plant Control (including coolant pump power control and identification)
PCPass Conservative (Front Page Sports Football '95 et al)
PCPacing Count
PCPremix Carpet (transportation engineering)
PCPropagation Committee (IEEE VT-S)
PCPaternalistic Condescension (alternative for Politically Correct)
PCPsychrometic Chart
PCPropulsion Complex (ship and submarine propulsion systems design)
PCPunting Center (long snapper on punts; pro football)
PCPhotopolymerizations Center (NSF)
PCPackbell Computer
PC(USN Rating) Postal Clerk
PCPour Condolences
PCPlate Check Number (plate number on upper left, lower right, and back of US currency)